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Seirei Christopher University Email Newsletter No.5 (April 2021)
1. Classes
1a. International studies class had online exchange with Seirei Asha Bhavan in India (Department of Child Education and Social Work)
The International studies class is working on the “Seirei Asha Bhavan project”. In this project, students created a movie on how to make a handmade face mask and shared it with Seirei Asha Bhavan in India. There was a social event accompanying the presentation. The class received a thankyou message from Mr. Abraham, the director of the facility, for the movie.
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article in Japanese (Department of Child Education and Social Work)
Movie (Instagram of Seirei Asha Bhavan)
1b. International rehabilitation course had online exchange program with Singapore Institute of Technology (School of Rehabilitation)
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article in Japanese (Department of Occupational Therapy)
1c. Nursing students had online exchange program with partner institutions (School of Nursing)
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article in Japanese (School of Nursing)
2. Events/Student Activities
2a. Spring Open campus event was held
With cherry blossoms fully blooming around the campus, about 300 high school students visited the campus for the Open campus event on March 27th. This year, the open campus event was held with careful measures against Covid-19 infection for onsite participants, and was also streamed online for virtual participation.
Each department had its unique program including the introduction of the courses, overview of the entrance exam, class demonstration, campus tour and consultation, in which the high school students learned what we offer and experienced a part of the university life. The programs were favorably received by the participants, who noted as “I learned more about the features of the university that are not in the brochure.” “As I learned more about the university life and the entrance exam, I am more motivated to study at Seirei Christopher University.” “The demonstration class was easy to follow, and motivated me to learn further.”
The next Open campus event will be held on June 19th. Please check the homepage for applicants for details, which will be announced shortly.
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article in Japanese (School of Nursing)
Original article in Japanese (Department of Occupational Therapy)
2b. Students created a series of movies with local company (School of Rehabilitation)
Original article in Japanese (University Blog) #1 #2
Original article in Japanese (School of Rehabilitation) #1 #2 #3
2c. Students participated in the event “Letter to Save Life”, hosted by Hamamatsu city (Department of Care Work)
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article in Japanese (School of Social Work)
2d. Online joint seminar was held with the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article in Japanese (IESS Blog)
2e. Online exchange program was held for Nanyang Polytechnic
Original article (IESS Blog)
2f. The University held Entrance ceremony to welcome freshers
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
3. Others
3a. IB PYP* Professional Development Workshop was held (Department of Child Education and Social Work)
As IB Educator Certificate Program (PYP) starts from AY2021, a workshop was held for faculty from the Department of Child Education and Social Work and also the teachers from Christopher Kodomoen and Seirei Christopher Elementary school. The workshop provided the participants with a deeper understanding of the IB framework, learner profile, international mindedness, and agency.
* IB PYP: International Baccalaureate Primary Year Programme
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article (Department of Child Education and Social Work)
3b. Second year students received Award of Excellence in the project “What is attractive about occupational therapy from students view” by Japanese Society of Clinical Occupational Therapy (Department of Occupational Therapy)
Original article in Japanese (University Blog)
Original article in Japanese (Department of Occupational Therapy)