



Seirei Christopher University

Faculty Members

Graduate Program of Rehabilitation Sciences

Physical Therapy Science YAGURA Chiaki Professor
Ph.D. (Medicine)
Research Keywords:Preventive Care, Safety and Health, Lifestyle Habits
Research Themes:Preventive Care for the Elderly, Corporate Health and Safety Management, Prevention of Lifestyle Related Diseases

Physical Therapy Science KIMPARA Kazuhiro Professor
Ph.D. (Rehabilitation Science)
Research Keywords: Pain Rehabilitation
Research Themes: Research on Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Chronic Pain, including Osteoarticular and Neurological Diseases

Physical Therapy Science TSUMORI Shinichi Professor
Ph.D. (Engineering)
Research Keywords: Remedial Education, Learner Models
Research Themes: Development of a Mathematics Self-study System to Acquire Academic Skills for Data Science Education

Physical Therapy Science NEJISHIMA Makoto Professor
Ph.D. (Rehabilitation Science)
Research Keywords: Locomotorium, Growth Period, Sports
Research Themes: Research on the Mechanism of Development and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Diseases and Sports Disorders

Physical Therapy Science YABE Hiroki Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Rehabilitation Science)
Research Keywords: Renal Rehabilitation
Research Themes: Physical Therapy for Internal Disorders such as Chronic Renal Failure and Hemodialysis in the Adult Stage

Innovative Sciences in Physical Therapy OHGI Shohei Professor
Ph.D. (Medicine)
Research Keywords: Early Human Development and Neuroscience, Neurobehavioral Disorder of Childhood
Research Themes: Development, Developmental Care, and Rehabilitation of Neonates and Infants

Innovative Sciences in Physical Therapy ARIZONO Shinichi Professor
Ph.D. (Health Sciences)
Research Keywords: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
Research Themes: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Intensive Care Field, Chronic Pain

Innovative Sciences in Physical Therapy YOSHIMOTO Yoshinobu Professor
Ph.D. (Academic)
Research Keywords: Falls, Physical Activity, and Behavioral Change
Research Themes: Interdisciplinary Research Aimed at Preventing Care Needs in Elderly People Requiring Nursing Care

Innovative Sciences in Physical Therapy TAWARA Yuichi Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Medicine)
Research Keywords: Respiratory Rehabilitation Field
Research Themes: Rehabilitation and Epidemiological Research on Respiratory Diseases

Occupational Therapy Science ITO Nobuhisa Professor
Ph.D. (School Education)
Research Keywords: Developmental Supports, Special Needs Education
Research Themes: Practice and Research for Children in Need of Support and their Supporters

Occupational Therapy Science FUJITA Sayori Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Rehabilitation Science)
Research Keywords: Mental Health, Employment Support
Research Themes: Research on Mental Health and Employment Support for People with Disabilities

Innovative Sciences in Occupational Therapy SHINGU Naohito Professor
Ph.D. (Health Science)
Research Keywords: Occupational Activities, Support for Independence, Prevention of Recurrence
Research Themes: Support for Independence and Prevention of Recurrence in People with Mental Disabilities through Occupational Activities

Innovative Sciences in Occupational Therapy IZUMI Ryota Professor
Ph.D. (Health Science)
Research Keywords: QOL, Clinical Research, Clinical Education
Research Themes: Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life in the Field of Rehabilitation

Language and Hearing Sciences and Disorders KOSAKA Mitsuru Professor
Ph.D. (Sensory Orthopedics)
Research Keywords: Typically Developing Children, Language Impaired Children, Language Development
Research Themes: Research on the Development and Evaluation of Vocabulary, Syntax, and Discourse of Children with Language Developmental Disabilities

Language and Hearing Sciences and Disorders TANI Tetsuo Professor
Ph.D. (Health Science)
Research Keywords: Aphasia, Improvement Factors, Stuttering, Treatment Method
Research Themes: Prognostic Prediction and Improvement Factors of Aphasia, The Self-Esteem of Children Who Stutter and the Development of Stuttering

Language and Hearing Sciences and Disorders OHARA Shigehiro Professor
Ph.D. (Rehabilitation Science)
Research Keywords: Hearing Impairment, Narrative, Hearing Aid
Research Themes: Elucidation of Mechanisms of Narrative Macrostructure and Development of Supportive Methods

Language and Hearing Sciences and Disorders KUROSAKI Yoshiko Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Academic)
Research Keywords: Aphasia, Higher Brain Dysfunction
Research Themes: Language Function and Speech Perception in Aphasic Individuals

Speech and Swallowing Sciences and Disorders SHIBAMOTO Isamu Professor
Ph.D. (Academic)
Research Keywords: Dysphagia, Speech and Voice Disorders
Research Themes: Cerebral Control and Oral Motor Analysis during Eating and Rehabilitation

Speech and Swallowing Sciences and Disorders SATO Atsunobu Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Rehabilitation Science)
Research Keywords: Swallowing and Eating Rehabilitation
Research Themes: Research on the Development and Prevention of Evaluation and Training Methods for Dysphagia