



Seirei Christopher University

Faculty Members

Graduate Program of Social Work

Social Welfare and Social Work KAWAMUKAI Masahiro Professor
M.A. (Social Work)
Research Keywords: Meso-Level Social Work
Research Themes: Research on the Practical Value of Community-Based Social Work

Social Welfare and Social Work SATO Junko Professor
M.A. (Social Work)
Research Keywords: Subjects, Targets, and Methods of Community Development
Research Themes: Research on Community Organizations Led by Residents and Support System to Empower Them

Social Welfare and Social Work FUKUDA Toshiko Professor
Ph.D.(Human Welfare)
Research Keywords: Supervision, Human Resource Development
Research Themes: Research on Self-Development of Social Work Professionals

Social Welfare and Social Work OBA Yoshitaka Professor
Ph.D. (Child Development)
Research Keywords: Mental Health of Children and Youth
Research Themes: Social Epidemiological Research on School Refusal, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Suicide and Withdrawal

Social Welfare and Social Work SASAKI Masakazu Associate Professor
M.A. (Human Welfare)
Research Keywords: Advocacy for the Rights of People with Mental Disabilities
Research Themes: Research on Rights Advocacy, Community Transition, and Life Support for People with Mental Disabilities

Elderly Social Welfare NODA Yukari Professor
Ph.D. (Social Work)
Research Keywords: Foreign Care Workers and Certified Care Workers
Research Themes: Continued Employment in Care Work, Consciousness Transformation that Fosters Competence and a Sense of Belonging

Elderly Social Welfare SHINOZAKI Yoshikatsu Associate Professor
M.A. (Education)
Research Keywords: Observation, Harassment, Human Resource Development
Research Themes: Development of a Professional Human Resource Training Program in Care Work

Child and Family Social Welfare FUJITA Mieko Professor
Ph.D.(Clinical Psychology)
Research Keywords: Advocacy for Children's Rights, Prevention of Child Abuse
Research Themes: Research on Support for Children and Families in Social Care and Child Advocacy

Child and Family Social Welfare OTA Masako Professor
M.A. (Education)
Research Keywords: Development of Sociability and Self-Esteem
Research Themes: Methods of Nurturing Sociability through Childcare and Education Using Action Research

Child and Family Social Welfare IZUMIYA Tomoko Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Social Work)
Research Keywords: Single-Parent Family, Consideration on Parental Support
Research Themes: Research on Support for Parents having difficulty raising their children

Child and Family Social Welfare UCHIYAMA Satoshi Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Child Development)
Research Keywords: Psychological Assessment, Developmental Support
Research Themes: Psychological Assessment Useful for Understanding Psychological Difficulties in Children with Foreign Roots