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シンガポール工科大学との交流協定を更新しました。 Renewal of MOU with Singapore Institute of Technology


10月5日にはオンラインで更新の署名式を行いました。本学より大城昌平学長、新宮尚人リハビリテーション学部長、鈴木達也助教、高橋大生助教等7名が出席しました。また、シンガポール工科大学よりTan Thiam Soon学長、Josephine Chua Mei Ling事務局長、Alan Wong Wai Pongヘルスアンドソーシャルサンエンス学部長を含めた9名の代表者が出席しました。





Seirei Christopher University (SCU) renewed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) on September 26, 2020. Since we first concluded the MOU in 2017, SCU and SIT have been actively involved in activities such as student exchange programs in Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy and research activities at the Seirei International Research Conference.

We had an online signing ceremony on October 5. From SCU, seven representatives including Professor Shohei Ohgi (President), Professor Naohito Shingu (Dean, School of Rehabilitation Sciences), Assistant Professor Tatsuya Suzuki, Assistant Professor Daiki Takahashi attended. From SIT, nine representatives including Professor Tan Thiam Soon (President) and Professor Alan Wong Wai Pong (Health and Social Sciences Cluster Director) joined the ceremony.

Presidents and Deans from both universities expressed their appreciation for our rewarding partnership and expectation for future activities.

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